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HIP? - What's in a Pack

The Home Information Pack contains important information that buyers and sellers need to know. 

From 1st August 2007, anyone marketing a property, or their representative, will be legally required to prepare a Home Information Pack and make it available to potential buyers of the property.

For sellers, providing a Pack upfront should reduce the likelihood of any nasty surprises in the selling process that could delay the sale, as buyers will be able to make more informed decisions about purchasing their home.

For buyers, the Pack provides essential information about properties they are considering buying, free of charge.  

What does a Home Information Pack contain?

  • Compulsory items ('Required') - for example, the evidence of title that proves it's yours to sell.

  • Optional items ('Authorised') - such as the Home Condition Report which gives buyers a clear idea of what work, if any, needs to be done to the property.
