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Estate & Managing Agents - Can I start marketing with an incomplete Home Information Pack?

Certain compulsory ('required') documents must be there when marketing begins. These are:

  • Index

  • Sale statement

  • Land Registry documents showing evidence of title where the property is registered.

  • Energy Performance Certificate (EPC)

Other required documents can be omitted from the pack when marketing starts:

  • Searches; evidence of title for unregistered homes; and leasehold documents: If they can't be obtained before marketing, proof that they have been commissioned and will be provided within 28 days must be included. The documents should then be added to the pack as soon as they're available. This arrangement will be reviewed in December 2007.

  • Energy Performance Certificates: this may not be present if the document was commissioned 14 days prior to being placed on the market and is still not available. But note that energy ratings must be included in written particulars - and so the particulars cannot be used in marketing where the Certificate is unavailable.